Good afternoon from Toronto Canada. I found your website while "Googling" about cleaning Prada bags and thought I'd send you a quick email. Last May while visiting Italy, I purchased a beautiful WHITE Prada bag in Florence for my 23 year old daughter as a very special, once in a life time gift. As usually happens, the bag became dirty after several months. We called several dry cleaners in Toronto, and a specific one was recommended to us. As you can tell from the photos, the bag was not cleaned successfully and my daughter was very upset and disappointed.
Could you take a look at the photos and let me know if you think there is any way it can be restored. It seems that the leather bled into the fabric and turned it a funny color of light orange.
I am prepared to send the bag via courier if you think it is worth it, given the $ value of the bag was around $700US.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my photos. You're my only hope.
Good afternoon from Toronto Canada. I found your website while "Googling" about cleaning Prada bags and thought I'd send you a quick email. Last May while visiting Italy, I purchased a beautiful WHITE Prada bag in Florence for my 23 year old daughter as a very special, once in a life time gift. As usually happens, the bag became dirty after several months. We called several dry cleaners in Toronto, and a specific one was recommended to us. As you can tell from the photos, the bag was not cleaned successfully and my daughter was very upset and disappointed.
Could you take a look at the photos and let me know if you think there is any way it can be restored. It seems that the leather bled into the fabric and turned it a funny color of light orange.
I am prepared to send the bag via courier if you think it is worth it, given the $ value of the bag was around $700US.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my photos. You're my only hope.
I was evaluating the photos and getting ready to respond when I received the following Email:
Good morning from Toronto, Canada again. As a follow-up to my email yesterday, I thought I 'd send a photo of my daughter receiving her PRADA bag so that you can get a sense of how special the bag is. I hope you're able to help and look forward to hearing from you.
Good morning from Toronto, Canada again. As a follow-up to my email yesterday, I thought I 'd send a photo of my daughter receiving her PRADA bag so that you can get a sense of how special the bag is. I hope you're able to help and look forward to hearing from you.
After receiving the above photograph how could I not take on the project. She obviously loved this bag. It was in very damaged condition for which the photos do not do justice. Dye from the leather had run during the previous cleaning onto the white fabric. Cleaning combination bags (leather and fabric) is very difficult and should be attempted only by the most experienced craftsman. Especially when the leather is sewn onto a light colored fabric as in this case. We tried numerous attempts unsuccessfully to remove the dye. Finally, after some creative "out-of-the-box" thinking we hit on a solution that worked. The photo below shows our customer receiving her bag in it's restored condition.
Margarets Cleaners really pulled off what I consider to be a miracle. This winter I delivered to them a white Prada bag that was basically ruined by another dry cleaners last Fall. Several weeks later they returned to me a perfectly white Prada bag. It's simply beautiful. Last fall, after the bag was ruined I put it away in my closet, horrified with what the local dry cleaners had done to it. After doing some research on the web I discovered Margarets Cleaners and thought they were my only hope. They spent a lot of time and effort in restoring this bag and I can't thank them enough. I will definitely use them again in the future.
Wow! It looks like a heck of a good result. I think I'm gonna have to bookmark this site. Just when you think your bag is doomed! Definitely one of the most unique services I've seen in a while. Nice work!
Ash -
Designer Purse Shop
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